Regular Worship Services
- Morning Prayer (Sunday – 9:30 am)
- Each morning before Sunday School in our Sanctuary we meet to pray for the day ahead and also for any concerns that have come to us during the week. All are invited to join in this time of prayer.
- Sunday School (Sunday – 10:00 am)
- Mars Hill has a number of Sunday school classes for many different age groups. This is a time where we are able to meet in the various Sunday School rooms throughout our education building and below the sanctuary. We meet in small groups and learn more about the Word of God and how we can apply it to our lives. Classes usually run for a little less than an hour and are taught by the members of Mars Hill. These classes offer a great opportunity to get to know more people in the church as it is a much smaller and personal setting.
- Morning Worship (Sunday – 11:00 am)
- This is our regular morning worship hour. During this service we meet in the sanctuary sing praises to God, pray for those in need, have our children’s sermon, be ministered to in song by our choir, and hear the sermon from the pastor. Usually service last about an hour though sometimes it lasts a little longer.
- This is our regular morning worship hour. During this service we meet in the sanctuary sing praises to God, pray for those in need, have our children’s sermon, be ministered to in song by our choir, and hear the sermon from the pastor. Usually service last about an hour though sometimes it lasts a little longer.
- Wednesday Nights (6 pm Supper / 7 pm Services)
- Wednesday nights are a special time at Mars Hill because it allows us a chance in the middle of the week to come together and be encouraged in our spiritual lives. During the months of September through May, our children and youth ministry are also active on Wednesday nights and we have our Wednesday evening meals. These take place in our fellowship hall and is a time for families to come together without having to worry about getting a meal prepared for themselves right after work at a very low cost. On Wednesdays, we’re able to enjoy a great meal, have fellowship, pray for others, and hear the Bible taught.
- Wednesday Night Suppers (Wednesday. Nights {Sept. – May} 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm)
- From September to May various meals are served each Wednesday Night. Some are a potluck and others are prepared by church members and volunteers with a specific theme in mind (for example taco or soup night), but all are delicious. To help offset the cost of these meals we do ask a small donation.
- How can I help? – Helping prepare meals is open to anyone. Usually, the schedule is set fairly well in advance but help is always welcomed. Also, drinks and desserts are needed every Wednesday and are usually provided by anyone who wishes to provide something for that night. There is also always a need for helpers to serve and clean up afterwards.
- Mission Friends (Wed. 7:00 pm – Ages 3-Kindergarten)
- Mission Friends offers kids fun and exciting learning experiences to begin understanding missions. Mission Friends helps kids learn to care about others and learn that God wants everyone to know of His love.
- Royal Ambassadors (Wed. 7 pm – 1st-5th Grade Boys)
- Royal Ambassadors (RA) is a missions discipleship organisation for boys in grades 1-5. Through hands-on activities that encourage spiritual growth, games and sports and mentoring relationships with RA leaders, RA members become a faith-based brotherhood.
- Girls in Action (Wed. 7:00 pm – 1st-5th Grade Girls)
- Girls in Action (GA) is a missions discipleship organisation for girls. Every girl in grades 1–5. Through GA, girls learn about, pray for, give to, and do missions work. They also make new friends and have lots of fun!
- Youth (Wed. 7:00 pm – 6th-12th Grade)
- During Wednesday evening the youth meet in their Sunday school classroom for a time of prayer and teaching. During this time they learn pertinent truths about the Bible and how they can use them to live for Christ.
- Adult Bible Study (Wed. 7:00 pm)
- Here the adults study God’s Word in a relaxed setting. We stay in the fellowship hall and interact with the pastor or guest speaker as they teach, asks questions, and encourage us how we can apply the teachings of the Bible in our everyday lives.