Mars Hill has many different ministries going on throughout the year. Here is a list of many we regularly have at Mars Hill.
Regularly Scheduled Outreaches & Ministries of the Church
Adult Choir
Who: Everyone is invited to join the choir!
What: The choir sings hymns/praise music with a piano accompaniment or a recorded music arrangement.
Where: The choir practices in the choir room located on the bottom floor of the Fellowship Hall. The choir sings every Sunday during the Worship Service.
When: The choir sings every Sunday, performs an Easter Cantata every other year and a Christmas Cantata every year.
How: Choir practice is held every Wednesday night at 8pm. There are special practices announced prior to any cantata.
Souper Bowl of Caring
When is it held?
- Super Bowl Sunday immediately after the morning worship service
What is it?
- Souper Bowl of Caring is a national movement of young people working to fight hunger and poverty in their own communities, on Super Bowl Sunday the youth of Mars Hill take up a collection in soup pots after the morning service. 100% of the money received goes to OCIM (Orange Congregations in Ministry) to help with local hunger-relief.
How can I help?
- You can give to the offering collected to help those that are hungry and in need.
Baptist Children’s Home Food Round-Up
When is it held?
- The end of April and the beginning of May
What is it?
- This an annual food drive for the NC Baptist Children’s Home. During this time lists are provided for the various foods that the Children’s Homes need and we as well as hundreds of churches from around the state gather food and supplies to help these homes provide for the many kids that are being cared for there.
How can I help?
- During the food drive every bit helps!
Mother’s Day Brunch
When is it held?
- Sometime in May
What is it?
- This is a brunch put on by the Women’s Missionary Union (WMU) for mothers and daughters to attend. It usually begins at 10 am and there is a special guest speaker.
How can I help?
- Needs vary for this event from those that would help set up to those who will decorate and those that would supply brunch items and those that would help with cleanup
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
When is it held?
- Usually between mid June to early July.
What is it?
- Vacation Bible School, or VBS, is a fun-filled program we offer, in the summer months, to connect with the children and families in our communities. We used a specific curriculum that has a theme for the week. We have classes during the week of VBS in the evening for all ages, including adults and we use this time to teach the gospel, reach unchurched families, and celebrate Christ as a church together. It is a busy time filled with a huge amount of work but it is rewarding and worth every minute of hard work.
How can I help?
- There are numerous jobs to fill for VBS, from snacks to teaching. It is best to check with our Vacation Bible School director to volunteer and receive the necessary paperwork for a background check. Jobs include everything from helping with crafts, helping with games, teaching, snacks, and a whole host of other jobs that are needed to make this week a success.
Summer Youth Camp at Caswell
When is it held?
- Somewhere between mid June to mid August
What is it?
- Youth camp is a week long Christian summer camp held at historic Fort Caswell on Oak Island NC. This campground is owned by the NC Baptist assembly and hosts 7 weeks of youth camp. During this time the kids hear powerful preaching from great speakers, experience tremendous worship and enjoy lots of fun during their stay. This is a tradition of the church spanning many years and the youth have a tremendous time during the week. After the week of Caswell the youth take the morning worship service and give testimony about all they have learned and experienced at camp. The camp is open to all youth who have completed sixth grade.
How can I help?
- The church sometimes sponsored fundraisers to help offset the costs of the camp and any support that can be given to these efforts would be greatly appreciated. Also, closer to the time when the kids leave for camp, requests for snacks, drinks, or other items will go out and you can bring these items for the kids to enjoy at camp.
Sunday School Picnic
When is it held?
- Around Last Sunday in August
What is it?
- This is an event where the church celebrates the ending of the previous year’s Sunday School and Celebrates the beginning of the new Church calendar year. As of right now work is being done to revamp this event and make it a special and meaningful church get together that celebrates the years ahead.
WMU Ice Cream Social
When is it held?
- The Third Wednesday Night in August
What is it?
- A social where all the church gathers together to enjoy homemade ice cream and snacks. This is done just prior to the kids going back to school and ushers in the new school year and church year.
How can I help?
- All are encouraged to make homemade ice cream to enjoy or bring snacks, desserts, and drink for the social.
Annual Brunswick Stew
When is it held?
- The First Saturday evening in October
What is it?
- This is the church’s annual cooking of a Brunswick stew. This is an event open to all the community. The Brunswick stew committee purchases all the ingredients for making the stew and cook it during the day. That evening, the church and anyone who would like to, come and eats in the fellowship hall. An opportunity is given to make a donation to offset the cost of the stew and all those you would like to can bring a dessert for others to share.
How can I help?
- You can help in the cooking as it is a group event starting on Saturday morning. You may help in the setup of the fellowship hall and also in bringing desserts or drinks for the meal.
Men’s Fishing Trip
When is it held?
- Sometime in October
What is it?
- Each year the men rent a cabin at Fort Caswell and go on a fishing trip. There they fellowship, have devotions, and enjoy time together. Whether or not the catch fish depends on the year. Usually this happens during a weekend in October.
How can I help?
- All men are welcomed to come and be part of this event.
Trunk or Treat
When is it held?
- In the afternoon sometime on or near Halloween
What is it?
- This is a time where the church gathers in the parking lot and creates a miniature neighborhood for the community to come to and go trick or treating. Many people decorate their cars’ trunks with variou halloween decorations or set up little games for kids to play and win candy. This provides a safe and fun environment for families to bring their kids and go trick or treating. This also provides an opportunity for the church to get to know those in the community.
How can I help?
- Everyone is invited to come and be part of giving candy out at their trunk. All are encouraged to decorate and be part of the festivities.
Men’s Breakfast
When is it held?
- Various Sunday mornings during the year
What is it?
- This is a fellowship breakfast held for the men in the church fellowship hall. Usually the cooking starts before 7am and breakfast is served at 7:30am. This is a time for the men to gather together and fellowship with one another and enjoy a meal together. Donations are accepted to help offset the cost of the meal.
How can I help?
- Various breakfast foods that have been prepared at home are most welcome at the meal and for anyone that is at the church early enough for the cooking is always appreciated.
Senior Breakfast
When is it held?
- The first Tuesday of every month at 8am.
What is it?
- Senior breakfast is a breakfast meeting of the seniors at MArs Hill, though you don’t have to be a senior to attend. The first Tuesday of each month the seniors meet at a local establishment for breakfast (the location is announced in the bulletin beforehand). While there the seniors fellowship together.
How can I help?
- All are welcomed and encouraged to attend
Food for All
When is it held?
- The first Wednesday Night of the Month
What is it?
- The Food for All program is run by the Neighbor House of Hillsborough Inc. which started its outreach mission in 2005. It is a non-profit mission to those in need in our own community. Our church has committed to prepare about 45 meals the first Wednesday night of every month. These meals are delivered to Fairview Baptist Church parking lot and one other drop off point in Hillsborough. The community members know to gather at these locations around 6:15-6:30pm for the distribution of the meals. The bag meal that our Church provides consists of a freshly prepared hot main course and other prepackaged sides.
How can I help?
- Please volunteer to come to the church to help prepare and bag the meals. We are also in need of volunteers to deliver the meals.
Youth: Trips, Socials, and Activities
When are they held?
- Various Time During the Year
What is it?
- During the year the youth sponsor various trips. These are sometimes overnight trips as well as day trips. Most are open to anyone to attend.