World Day of Prayer
Northside Baptist Church – 513 Homewood Avenue, Burlington NC, 27217
Monday, November 6th at 7:00 pm
Northside Baptist Church’s Facebook Page
Special Guest Speaker – Mars Hill’s own Leslie Dawson
If you would like to carpool please meet at the church at 6:30 pm
What is the WorldDay of Prayer?
- The World Day of Prayer is a Worldwide movement focusing on praying for the needs of others. A focus is put on praying specifically for certain areas of our world and the many needs that are present. This is held at various churches each year with a time and location announced beforehand
- All are invited to come and attend.
The 2017 Day of Prayer program has been prepared by the Baptist Women’s Union of Africa. The theme is Arise and Shine through Transformation.
For more information, please visit