Reflections on Maundy Thursday
Written April 2018
Upon the night in which Jesus was betrayed many important events occurred. Of the many events spoken of in the Gospels three teachings and actions of Christ stick out in mind. During the night in which Jesus was betrayed He washed the disciples feet, instituted the Lord’s Supper, and gave His disciples the new commandments. These three events contain the defining characteristics and teachings of who we are in Christ and how we are to live in Christ.
As we look at the events of that night, the actions that Jesus took and the truth that He revealed are shocking, compelling, and inspiring. Jesus in the span of just a few hours challenged His disciples to live in a way that would expose them as His followers and define the very nature of Christianity. He challenged them to live sacrificially, reverently, and most of all lovingly in a world that would come to hate them.
To see what Jesus did goes against the grain of how we would expect the King of all the universe to act, yet everything Jesus did on the night of the Last Supper and His betrayal in the Garden are in perfect harmony with everything we know of His character and heart. May His actions and teachings challenge us and inspire us this Easter season.