Mars Hill Baptist Church
1418 NC Highway 57
Hillsborough NC, 27278
(919) 732-2041(Mailing Address is the same)
Sunday Morning Service Times
9:30 am Prayer Room (sanctuary)
10:00 am Sunday School
11:00 am Worship ServiceWednesday Nights (Sept – May)
6:00 pm – Meal
7:00 pm – Adult Bible Study,
Youth & Children’s Programs
7:30 pm – Choir PracticeSearch
Category Archives: Recent Events
Ladies Craft Day
In March our ladies had a wonderful craft day where they worked together and had a wonderful time of fellowship.
New Shelter Between the Church Buildings
Because of damage from an ice storm, the shelter between the church sanctuary and the education building needed to be replaced. Though it took a little while we are happy to see this new addition to the church.
Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes
A huge thank you to everyone who donated and worked at packing all the shoeboxes this year. we ended up packing over 70 boxes. For more information on Operation Christmas Child click here.
Posted in Recent Events
Tagged child, Christmas, Mars Hill Baptist Church, OCC, Operation, Shoeboxes
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Men’s Conference 1/14/2023
Men’s Conference Saturday, January 14th10 am to 2 pm (tentative)On Saturday, January 14th Mar’s Hill had a great Men’s conference. We learned some important life skills, were challenged in our Spiritual life, and enjoyed some great fellowship together.
Christmas Morning Celebration
In 2022, Christmas fell on Sunday. So in celebration of Christmas, we had a special 10 AM worship service.
Sunday School Singing and Breakfast
Sunday Morning, December 11th at 10:00 am Sunday School Singing and Breakfast On Sunday morning December 11th, during the Sunday school hour we had a wonderful time singing our favorite Christmas hymns. Afterward, we enjoyed a great time of fellowship … Continue reading
Posted in Recent Events
Tagged breakfast, carols, Christmas, Mars Hill Baptist Church, music, singing
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Thanksgiving Meal and Service
On November the 20th we had a great time giving thanks and praising the Lord together. A huge thank you to all those that brought food and participated in our community choir. Community Thanksgiving And Praise Service
4th of July Cookout
After out VBS this year we had a 4th of July cookout celebrating our independence and enjoying a great time of fellowship together.
Pressure Washing
One of our youth graciously volunteered to pressure wash the church’s sidewalks. We are so thankful for his hard work and how good the church looks now.